The following forms are available tools to assist you in assembling your income tax information. These forms will enable us to prepare your income tax return. Completion of these forms will ensure that you capture all relevant information and provide us with clarity of that information. Please print and complete the applicable form(s), and include any additional income tax information you might have.
The income Tax Checklists will assist you in organizing and compiling your income information. Please complete the form and submit it with your information.
The income Tax Checklists will assist you in organizing and compiling your income information. Please complete the form and submit it with your information.
This form should be completed if you wish to claim automobile expenses. Such expenses are allowable if your employer requires that you use your car for business and provides you with a T2200 form to allow this deduction or if you use your car for your self-employed business/profession.
This form should be completed if you wish to claim homes expenses. You are entitled to claim a portion of your home if you have a self-employed business. Please indicate for each item if it relates to a monthly or annual amount.
This form should be completed if you wish to claim moving expenses. Moving expenses are deductible if you have to move more than 40 Kilometers to gain employment.
The T776 form is to be completed by individuals with rental properties. Please prepare a form for each property you own.
The T2125 form is to be completed by self-employed individuals.
Complete the Fixed Asset Additions form if you are self-employed and bought equipment during the year such as office equipment, computers, printers and any other major purchase greater than $500. If you purchased an automobile, include the information with the Auto Expenses form.
This form will assist you in calculating your personal net worth by subtracting your liabilities from your assets. Completion of the personal net worth statement could assist you with recognizing personal income tax planning opportunities.
#310, 9622-42 Ave NW, Building 2 Edmonton, AB, T6E 5Y4
We use the best tools and technology available to save you time, save you money and save you from having to deal with the CRA. As a trusted ally, we’re here to make bookkeeping and taxes feel effortless.